welp, i'm back from new staff training. about the lack of posts recently- sorry to the two of you who read them :) but seriously, i spent so much of my free time during the last couple weeks hanging out with the amazing people i had met that i don't really feel bad about not updating you! the women i met were so great. oh, and the guys i hung out with were pretty cool, too.
i've been back in Verm for a week now, and it's starting to grow on me again. i thought i was ready to come back, and in some instances, i really was. you probably didn't notice the name of this post and the lack of that word in describing Vermillion. it doesn't really describe Verm right now.
the El Caribe (ok, not the hotel but i think moreso the situation i was in), gave me a glimpse of what life will look like after i leave Verm. finding new friends, finding a new church, finding new restaurants and new social hang outs and new coffeeshops. granted, i won't be surrounded by 115 others doing the same thing, but it's exciting to think about.
Vermillion was home for my 4 years of college. i may call it my 'home' for now, but it will never be what it was when i was a freshman learning the ropes, or an RA pretending i knew the ropes, or a junior carpooling with my best friends to and from the farm house. i'm glad i made it my home while i was here. i'm still here, but my heart longs for something and somewhere else.
i will try to be patient.