Last week, our Expedition Cru team arrived in Lviv, Ukraine via an overnight train from Budapest. The Expedition team is made up of 5 recent college grads, who will spend the next 10 months in Eastern Europe. Each month they will travel to a new city, in a new country. They will seek out believers in churches and on college campuses who want to their fellow countrymen for Christ. They will train and equip these believers, who will launch spiritual movements. Then, it's on to a new city.
Jordan, the team leader writes this about their first few days in Ukraine:
"We got in a van with a Lviv Cru staff member to head to Ivano-Frankivsk, our first ministry city in western Ukraine. For parts of the journey we were on the worst roads I have ever been on! The rest of Sunday was spent securing an apartment and getting settled in.
Monday morning, we gathered to pray and then we went to meet with an area youth director. He had invited three other men. They all have a heart to reach international students with the Gospel, so that those who are studying here will return home and impact their cultures and friends. These are primarily Islamic, Hindi, Buddhist and Atheistic students.
Tuesday, two of my teammates met with Baffour, a student from Ghana. Baffour has started to organize a Christian student movement on campus, and is also already sharing is faith on his own. He types John 3:16 on thin slips of paper, cuts them apart, and then shares his faith with others by explaining the Gospel and then giving out the slips of paper. Baffour was ecstatic when we showed him the evangelistic tools that Cru Ukraine uses to share their faith. He will likely be another key volunteer as he is so eager to learn.
In two days, we already may have met two key volunteers. God is working mightily and this is just the start. Pray for endurance, discernment and to be Spirit-led as we move forward."
No doubt you've seen Ukraine in the news lately. But we are trusting God to use our steps of faith in the country to launch and grow movements of people who follow Jesus, and want to share him with others.