Thursday, August 20, 2009

this world.

From John Piper’s biography on Wikipedia:

“On January 11, 2006, Piper announced that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. According to a letter sent to his church, he and his doctors believed that the cancer was fully treatable. Piper's reaction to his diagnosis was: "This news has, of course, been good for me. The most dangerous thing in the world is the sin of self-reliance and the stupor of worldliness. The news of cancer has a wonderfully blasting effect on both. I thank God for that. The times with Christ in these days have been unusually sweet." Piper underwent successful surgery on February 14, 2006.”

The “stupor of worldliness.” Wow, I love that he calls it what it is, and I hate that I am in that stupor more than I should be. Aren’t we all, though? It's bad when we are, but what's worse is when we think we aren't.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that really hits home. I can't wait to be around people who are more solid in their faith again...or at least people that are striving to grow in faith.
Miss you.