Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week One Thoughts

Whew! My first week of work at the Regional Office is down in the books. It was great! I really like my team and the other officemates I've met this week. I feel so privileged to be serving with Campus Crusade, especially in the Upper Midwest region.

What strikes me most after this week is that God really does equip those he calls to serve Him. I've heard this promise many times, but I believe it now, in a different way. He's been growing my heart for the world in a few different ways since new staff training, specifically in the last 4-5 months. Looking back I can see Him preparing me for switching to a new role within the Operations team: coordinating our international summer missions projects.

I'm a quote collector (collecting and archiving all kinds of info is one of my strengths). One of my favorites is from Amy Carmichael: It is a safe thing to trust Him to fulfill the desires that He creates.

I have desires that He probably won't fulfill in my life, for whatever reason. Some of them are from the world, constantly forced upon me. Some are true desires He's given me. Many people cite Psalm 37:4 as one of their favorite verses: Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. This doesn't mean God will give me what I want. It means He will place the desires He has for my life in my heart. When I take delight in Him, the desires won't matter so much.

God's given me desires to do things that I never pictured myself doing. The reason why doesn't matter, because it's not about me - it's all about Him.