Sunday, October 30, 2011

Life change.

Last month, my newsletter featured the life-changing story of a student named Cheeia. Below is a video going into more detail about her story and how God used people, ministry tools and ministry opportunities in her life to reach her and many of her family members.

Many things encourage me about this video. God is persistent in pursuing people, and we should be, too. God can use one person to transform multiple lives. And, as this video shows, God didn't directly use Campus Crusade staff members in Cheeia's life, he used students who were equipped to share their faith.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gifts & Strengths.

A friend recently asked me what my spiritual gifts are. Instead of blurting them out excitedly, I found myself pausing before answering.

I definitely know what they are, but I was hesitant to share because I didn't want this person to label me. I'm good at organizing- not just material things, but ideas, data and intangible things. That doesn't mean I'm always organized, or that I don't forget things. That also doesn't mean I like to be labeled as the obsessive-compulsive woman who never forgets anything. I have other strengths besides organization.

The flip side of this is that I do love working in the areas of my gifts. I am often quick to jump at the chance to do things in the area of my strengths, but honestly, it gets a little dull sometimes.

I may be good at administrative stuff, encouraging others, etc, but that doesn't mean I can use my gifts as an excuse to not do the things I'm not good at. I don't have the gift of teaching. That doesn't mean I can excuse myself from investing in others through leading a Bible study or mentoring someone. Give me a challenge! Working where I'm weakest provides great potential for growth.

Thursday, October 06, 2011


I'll never forget the day I overheard a co-worker say "I just HATE religion!" I happened to be walking by him at the exact time he expressed this feeling. I didn't hear the context of the comment, but nonetheless I responded with an emphatic "me too!"

To say the least, I caught him off guard. I explained that I saw religion as an organized system of earning favor in God's eyes by doing good things. But my faith in Jesus was not this system at all; it was based on living a life that pleases Him because I'm already accepted and loved in His eyes.

Reminds me of Philippians 3: I no longer count on my own goodness or my ability to obey God's law, but I trust Christ to save me. For God's way of making us right with himself depends on faith (verse 9, nlt).

I don't have to worry about whether or not I'm living a life that is 'good enough' for God. I know that He accepts me, the good and bad. I can't earn right-ness with God.