I'm only about 20% of the way through my Old Testament Survey online class and I'm blown away by how little I know about the Bible. It's incredible learning about the structure and details of Old Testament writings. There's so much to learn! Here are a few highlights so far from the first few lectures:
- Discovering several new figures of speech that I didn't know existed, but are present in many different parts of the OT (for example: merism. Never heard of it? Me neither).
- Learning all the names of festivals, along with their purposes and timelines
- Finally) understanding the geography of Israel, and why the topography and climate is important in knowing God's purposes for and plans for the Israelites
I am astounded (and usually overwhelmed) at the detail in OT writings, like instructions for constructing the Tabernacle, or how to properly prepare a sacrifice. But it's all included for a purpose. So easily I get lost in the details, but I think this class is going to ground me in understanding the bigger picture, while simultaneously equipping me to dig deeper and not just glance over the details.
Much more to share in the coming days!
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