For the last several days, I've continued to mull over this idea of living life from God, and not just for God (see previous post for more info). A key aspect of this concept is the realization, the fact, the truth, that we are able to live life from God. We, while living imperfect and sinful lives, have access to God, through Jesus. Because of this, He can be present with us. Throughout the last week, as I've been pondering this, I've seen it show up in my daily life small (but meaningful) ways:
First, in a photo that hangs near my bed. I took this in college, and
had underlined that famous verse the first time I read it on my own.
I remember the imprint it left in my brain. But glancing at that photo one night before bed, I read the very last line, which is also the very last line in the book of Matthew:
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Jesus has just commissioned his disciples to go forth and multiply, but does not leave them until he gives a promise of his presence with them. Forever.
Last Wednesday I was walking downtown and happened to pass someone on the sidewalk talking about Christmas. Lord... NO. I thought to myself. It's not even the end of summer, must we talk about Christmas already?? But I started thinking about why I love the Advent season- not for the gifts or festive Starbucks drinks or even being with family (though all of those are awesome).
I love Advent because it reminds me that God is here, and presence with me. He came to earth, in the form of a tiny little human, and walked among us. He is called "Emmanuel: God with us." I love that advent reminds us of this.
A final reminder of seeking God's presence in daily life happened today- New City Covenant Church marked our first official service in our permanent building today! It is a huge answer to prayer, and over the last few weeks the community has been putting in countless hours sanding, painting, throwing, organizing and building.
My pastor, John, was quick to remind the congregation about our history; for the first four years of our existence, we've built something intangible: a transformational community. While we have enjoyed working on the tangible aspects of our building, the intangible is still most important: God's presence in our community. John told a brief story about a church plant that split up soon after they had purchased a permanent building. The first sign of trouble was an argument over the color and type of color to purchase for the building. Heartbreaking, really. I so appreciate John bringing us back to what's important: "what really matters is not the glory of our space, but the presence of God in our midst."
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