Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My brain is mush. My left eye won't stop twitching, and I have a sinus infection. My first project is due on Friday, and it's starting to stress me out (a little).

But, despite the long hours in class and even longer hours paging through Scripture and Grudem's Systematic Theology, I have so enjoyed learning. I have never really had the desire to talk about or learn about apologetics, theology, doctrine- all those words that just sound so heavy with dullness. We've been tearing apart Campus Crusade's statement of faith on many many levels, which has been surprisingly interesting. I'm glad I'm learning about this now. I'm sure I'll have to church shop several times in my life; now I will actually be able to understand (hopefully!) those wordy statements that comprise church doctrine.

While I've been taking everything in on a head-level, it's really not getting anywhere on the heart-level. This has been discouraging, which I guess is an ok reaction. I'm sure I'll come to a point where something I'm learning will hit me where it matters most. I'm excited to see what that is and can't wait for it to happen. Pray for that, if you'd like.

Enough for now.


Anonymous said...

The head knowledge vs. the heart level problem sounds similar to what P.Y. writes about in the first chapter of his book, "The Jesus I never knew". Have you read it? :) I'll be praying about that for you.