Sunday, May 02, 2010

do we need psychics?

If you knew what would happen in the future, would you live life differently?

A friend and I were talking awhile back about people who decide to remain single for the rest of their lives. Not necessarily that we wanted to decide this, but just how people come to this conclusion.

The conversation led me to wonder how I would live my life differently than I am right now if I knew I would be single the rest of my life. I'd spend a lot more time with God, making sure He's number one in my life. I'd want to make sure I had solid friendships with other single women, but I'd also make sure I spent time with young couples, and families, too.

Then I thought about the flip side; if I absolutely knew I would get married someday, would I live my life differently? Yes. Definitely. I'd spend a lot more time with God. I'd make sure I was seeking Him each day and putting Him first.

I'm making a broad generalization here, but I think the point is an important one to make. Preparation for what life will throw at me down the road doesn't hinge on me knowing what's coming. I probably wouldn't believe it even if I did know what was coming!


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Scooters. :)

Unknown said...

bingo! :)

Ll said...

In reading what you would do differently, I'm seeing spend time with God and focus on that relationship either way. Interesting.