Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A typical day in the office

I wrote this pre-TCX so you'd have a basic run-down of a typical Tuesday for me in the regional office:

7:20 am - leave my apartment to travel the 5 miles to the office
7:45 am - arrive at the office
7:47 am - boot up my computer to answer e-mails and prep for the staff meeting
9:00 am - Operations Staff Team Meeting
  • Devotional
  • Personal MPD update in small groups, and Prayer
  • Talked through TCX Logistics
  • Talked about recruiting Ops students at TCX through our first-ever job shadow opportunity
11:30 am - Office-wide Prayer for our region
  • Iowa Campuses and Teams
  • Our long-term teams in the Middle East
12-1230pm - Lunch!
Everyone usually eats together at the lunch tables, where we eventually end up talking about food and sports. This particular day we talked about bacon, meat sweats (specifically at Brazillian barbeque joints), then bacon-laced foods, and football.

1235pm - Ignore my desire to take a nap at my desk and start to work on the program booklet for TCX (a 32 half-page booklet with information about speakers, schedule, seminars, ministry opportunities, meeting rooms, etc).

3pm - Coaching meeting w/Steve, the Director of the Ops Team
330pm - impromptu chat about coffee with my office-mates
337pm - back to my cubical to answer more e-mails
358pm - start to pack up to head home for the day
415pm - one last check of the e-mail before I shut off the computer...
421pm - and leave for the day!

Most days follow this basic format. I'm usually in the office between 730-8am and leave between 4-5pm (thereby missing most of the bad traffic!) We have office-wide prayer every Tues, Wed, Thurs which I really enjoy. It's fun to hear updates about and pray for the campus teams around the region and the world.


allison said...

meat sweats?