Monday, December 14, 2009

FC: Day Eight

Taking a deep breath, I carefully opened the freezer door, peeking inside at the mountain of oddly shaped plastic packages. The Green Giant stared me in the face. I could not avoid his smile, from the small box of sugar snap peas to the bag of roasted red potatoes and green beans in a rosemary butter sauce. I carefully moved aside a paper package containing what I hope is still edible chicken, and peered into the very depths of the icy freezer layers.

Wait! A glimmer of hope. I saw a long, blue box, with familiar writing. I reached for them, full of hope that I had found my hidden treasure- a forlorn box of frozen toaster strudels, just waiting to be uncovered from the cold, dark cave that has become our freezer. I turned over the box, and was greeted by cheerful Mister Pop'n'Fresh, the delightful Pillsbury Dough Boy mascot. Hurrah! I had found my beloved box of breakfast strudels. Kudos to my roommie, Allison, for suggesting I look again.

Of course, I celebrated my find by immediately toasting a strawberry-filled dessert-like-breakfast-pastry. Once I got the coffee going, the morning had begun.

Lunch was a much less exciting affair; a quick glance into the fridge revealed what I had been fearing most: leftovers. I still had one bowl of tuna noodle helper. Sigh. At least the noodle-y tuna is now gone!

I cooked up some pancakes for Al for supper, and a bag of pre-mixed teriyaki chicken, rice and veggies for myself. It was definitely tasty. I'm hoping the leftovers that will probably be consumed tomorrow will be just as good.


allison said...

thanks again for the pancakes. i don't know why i love them so much, but i do :)