Thursday, December 03, 2009


I've been thinking a lot lately about living situations for single women, probably because I'm pretty darn excited to finish raising support and move to Minneapolis. I play lots of scenarios in my head about potential situations...and I may or may not have a folder in my bookmarks tab labeled 'apts' with my favorite living options so far.

So this leaves me thinking about a roommate. I've been incredibly blessed with having amazing roommates for the last 5 years! Freshman year my roommate was a true Joy, a Christian with a strong and passion walk with the Lord who was a great example to me. Sophomore year I lived alone in the dorms since I was an RA. Junior and Senior year I lived in a charming old farmhouse with 3 good friends. We commuted 20 minutes to college, which was an experience in itself, and had a great two years there.

Then all my roommates either graduated or got married, while I still had one semester left. Bummed that I would have to go through my last semester of college without my besties, I ventured out on my own, renting a 2 bedroom apartment in lower Vermillion (but not the 'ghetto'). I loved living in town, and grew to love living on my own. I learned a lot about myself and gained independence in several good ways. For me, and probably for a lot of single women living on their own, my biggest struggle during this time was with self-centeredness.

After six months on my own, a new friend moved in with me. She'd been living in her own 2 bedroom apartment in a nearby town and decided she should downsize to save money. So she moved in to my apartment, in my tiny second bedroom. I had a roommate again!

At present, I'm living with a friend in a small 3 bedroom rental house. It's a great situation because I'm not tied into a lease, can help her with the bills and the one-story house is the perfect size for us.

Ahhh. What nice memories I have from some great college roommates! This leaves me contemplating my next move: my own place (very appealing, but very expensive and many negative aspects)? An apartment/house with friends (potentially the best option, but how likely)?

A good friend of mine prayed for me and this rooming situation the other day. I really appreciated her thoughtfulness - I had not asked her to pray about this, or even mentioned it at all in our 30 minute conversation. It's nice to know people are praying for me in all aspects of my ministry right now. And it's nice to know God's got it under control!


The not so anon anonymous. said...

Oh so sweet but all too short.

A verse JUST popped into my head as I was writing that line: In my Father's house there are many rooms...I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me.

I must say, that will be the best rooming situation ever. :) Especially since I'm not gifted in decorating.

Next thought: What kind of room am I making for Christ in my life?

Ok, that is quite the tangent from your blog. I think your rooming situation is an excellent prayer request. I'll pray about it too.