Saturday, February 20, 2010

Worship & Creativity

Yesterday I had the privilege of attending an all-day satellite worship seminar in Sioux Falls from The Green Room; A Place Where Artists Gather. Speakers included Nancy Ortberg, DeWitt Jones, Nancy Beach, Ross Parsley, Efrem Smith, Dan Allender.

Wow, was it good! I thought I was going to learn about leading a worship team. I was secretly hoping for specifics, like how to select appropriate biblical songs, leading a team of different generations and musical styles and views, how to handle conflict. While there were elements of each of these woven into the different messages, I learned a much better lesson.

My strategic, business mind is so focused on the right song with the right words and the right number of verses and chori that I leave no room for creativity. Not only is there no room, I wouldn't let it in if there was! I am detail oriented, which is a huge asset when you're talking about implementing a plan and uniting a group of people for with one purpose. I can lead a team of musicians and a congregation in song. But to try to create an environment where people can enter into the presence of God in spirit and in truth is something I cannot do. Yet.

The first speaker, DeWitt Jones, is an award-winning National Geographic photographer and KOABD (Kind Of A Big Deal. Yes I just made up that acronym). Not until college did I realize that I have creativity. I actually can be a creative person. DeWitt's message was a huge encouragement to me when I think about all the aspirations and dreams that are important to me. I have to "fill my cup" by doing things I love so the creativity will flow. I've been ingrained with the belief that art isn't important because it doesn't make you money; the freedom that comes in college led me to discover creativity within myself - and to enjoy it!

Stay tuned; much more about this seminar to come!