Monday, February 01, 2010

well encounter

A few months ago I wrote a post about wells. I have been joking with friends that the best place to meet someone in the OT was a well: Isaac, Jacob, and Moses all met (or sent someone to meet) their wives at a well. I proceeded to discuss some of our modern-day wells; places at which we often meet guys. I talk about this joke a lot with a friend.

Sunday morning, this friend and I were sitting in a singles' bible study before church. It was the first time there for both of us. We watched a video from Andy Stanley titled "Defining Moments," and the message was based on a passage from John 4.

The woman at the well.

In the last two months, it hadn't occurred to me or my friend at all that Jesus is the most important man we will meet at a well. Talk about a neon flashing sign! We could not get over the irony in the message- at a singles' group (aka modern day well), nonetheless!


JB said...

How profound. Jesus is the man at the well desiring to quench my thirsts with living water and give me a living hope. Love Him and the "neon flashing sign" he used. What a gentle, humorous reminder.