Friday, April 04, 2008


a whole month has gone by, and no post of my blog! whoa!

life has been crazy as usual. i'm trying to decide if my overcommitment/can't-say-no issues are can be worked out, or if they are just weaknesses i should ignore. for the time being, i will get through this semester and revel in the fact that i have only 16 more credits...4 of those internship complete before i am a college GRADUATE.

as of now, i am sort of jobless and homeless for the summer. what more could one ask for? :)haha. it will work out. once i know where i'm working, the rest will fall into place. i'm playing the waiting game to find out about internships. in the mean time, i am applying to join staff with Campus Crusade for Christ after graduation. woohoo! i hung out at the CCC Midwest regional office over my spring break - and LOVED it. i can see myself there after graduation, for sure. in general, i have a huge heart for the business world- reaching it, serving in it with a non-profit, whatever the Lord calls me to.