Wednesday, December 19, 2007


yesterday i blogged about purpose in life.
i was on my way to work today and i almost got hit by a train.
how's that for weird!? it was a pretty scary moment. i've done some stupid things in my life, but lately i've had a lot of those experiences --
mid june- brasil, almost got hit by semi-type-truck
end of sept- home, near car accident with huge tractor
mid dec -near hit by train

i don't know what god's keeping me alive for, but it's gotta be pretty cool.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


If you looked at my life now now and compared it to what it was in high school, it's 100% more purposeful now. Mostly everyone who knows me really well now didn't know me then, so it's hard for them to see the change that has occured in my life - but, nonetheless, making Christ part of my life, and slowly learning what it means to make my life his, has greatly changed my perspective on a lot of things. And I'll forever be grateful to God for that.

As I look to starting next semester, my final year of college, I can't help but think about the scary crazy adventure that awaits after graduation. The 'Real World!' Who knew one existed? I caught a glimpse this summer after project. And I liked what I saw.

There's a lot I think about concerning my future - lately I've been wondering if I'll be able to keep my mind on that purpose. You can't serve both God and Money, which might be one of my biggest struggles. I like to compare and compete with others. I care about material things. I always want the best, newest thing out there. I don't ever get it because I realize (luckily before I actually get to the point of buying it) that I don't need it, and really don't want it. Anyway - I just don't want to get corrupted. The business world isn't normally one for befriending others. People in it aren't there to help each other or their fellow man. Am I ready for this?

Sunday, December 16, 2007


the next few posts will probably be summaries of my semester (and year). mainly just some random thoughts that I am trying to sort out on paper...kind of. there are a few reasons i haven't been blogging much:
  1. little/no time for it
  2. not wanting to disclose things online
  3. some stuff takes forever to explain in typing
  4. my friends tease me about it

the last one is kind of a big deal - not that they tease me about being a dork (because i blog), which we all know is true (that i'm a dork, but not for blogging). i digress.

i don't just randomly spout stuff off to just anyone, or even close friends. this is how my brain works= have a thought...ponder it a long, long time...finally when i can get it out in words, i'll tell someone...then i can move on in a sense...and i probably won't mention it again. - but by blogging stuff, i get it out and then just don't talk about it much. i kind of forget that i never told hence me not really talking about things i blog about to my friends, which isn't so great. and if they are reading this i hope they are mad i didn't tell them this before blogging it, lol! i don't think any of my roommates read this, tho, so i'm probably safe.

that's enough insight into the mind of amy. i'm kind of just killing time before i can go to bed. that time is here. g'night!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

apples & oranges

hopefully i didn't scare the roommies too much tonight ... my temper came out and i started throwing apples and oranges at the trees outside the FH, as was their suggestion. it helped. i am not handling the stress in my life in a god-honoring way at all. add that to the list of annoying things that happened this semester that i really didn't want to happen. bleh.

Monday, December 10, 2007


tonight instead of one last leadership meeting we ate some Chinese at the Hyv together. It was a real good time. I've been so blessed by God to have the friends I do- and a great support system like the students on the leadership team. it was so nice to hang out with the leadership and not talk about any businessy crusade stuff. we talked about a LOT of random stuff...

  • cheating the system by having kids during college to get reduced tuition
  • the possibility of adopting a 24 year old to get reduced tuition
  • the fact that kids can be brats no matter how you raise 'em
  • getting our mouths washed out with soap when we were little
  • unsafe toys we played with when we were little
  • causes of obesity (genetic/hereditary v. learned behavior/parenting)
  • the fact that fischer price play people have even gotten bigger since we were little...
yup. pretty random. :]