Tuesday, December 18, 2007


If you looked at my life now now and compared it to what it was in high school, it's 100% more purposeful now. Mostly everyone who knows me really well now didn't know me then, so it's hard for them to see the change that has occured in my life - but, nonetheless, making Christ part of my life, and slowly learning what it means to make my life his, has greatly changed my perspective on a lot of things. And I'll forever be grateful to God for that.

As I look to starting next semester, my final year of college, I can't help but think about the scary crazy adventure that awaits after graduation. The 'Real World!' Who knew one existed? I caught a glimpse this summer after project. And I liked what I saw.

There's a lot I think about concerning my future - lately I've been wondering if I'll be able to keep my mind on that purpose. You can't serve both God and Money, which might be one of my biggest struggles. I like to compare and compete with others. I care about material things. I always want the best, newest thing out there. I don't ever get it because I realize (luckily before I actually get to the point of buying it) that I don't need it, and really don't want it. Anyway - I just don't want to get corrupted. The business world isn't normally one for befriending others. People in it aren't there to help each other or their fellow man. Am I ready for this?