Sunday, December 16, 2007


the next few posts will probably be summaries of my semester (and year). mainly just some random thoughts that I am trying to sort out on paper...kind of. there are a few reasons i haven't been blogging much:
  1. little/no time for it
  2. not wanting to disclose things online
  3. some stuff takes forever to explain in typing
  4. my friends tease me about it

the last one is kind of a big deal - not that they tease me about being a dork (because i blog), which we all know is true (that i'm a dork, but not for blogging). i digress.

i don't just randomly spout stuff off to just anyone, or even close friends. this is how my brain works= have a thought...ponder it a long, long time...finally when i can get it out in words, i'll tell someone...then i can move on in a sense...and i probably won't mention it again. - but by blogging stuff, i get it out and then just don't talk about it much. i kind of forget that i never told hence me not really talking about things i blog about to my friends, which isn't so great. and if they are reading this i hope they are mad i didn't tell them this before blogging it, lol! i don't think any of my roommates read this, tho, so i'm probably safe.

that's enough insight into the mind of amy. i'm kind of just killing time before i can go to bed. that time is here. g'night!