Saturday, April 02, 2005


Hi. I'm from Minnesota, and I can't talk right well. Pronouncing certain words is difficult. About, while, sorry- the list goes on. I think the sentence: "Soarie, I was ouwt and abouwt fer a wall." [aka: "Sorry, I was out and about fer a while."] would cause my friends who are not from MN to roll around on the ground for a long time. Some of them might even die of excessive laughter. Other bad sentences:

"Can you git me some melk?"
"I tripped on a rutt on my way to the crik."
"What's yer ruff doin' on fire?"
"Where's my pellow?"

Still, I am proud to be a Minnesooootan...
even if i get made fun of fer the rest of my life.*


AlyssaM said...

haha....I love ya amy...even if you are from minnesota :)