Sunday, November 27, 2005


Today I read chapter 18 of the P-D L. Again, it brought a topic that a bunch of us have been talking about right to the surface - fellowship. Most importantly, experiencing authentic fellowship. I LOVE to go deeper than the normal "hey, how are you? how are classes? great, talk to you later." Honestly and humility are so important. A two-way relationship is needed- we must not feel responsible FOR others, but TO others. Share with them and let them share with you. We will also experience sympathy in true fellowship - which hits home for me. I need to be understood and need to have my feelings validated, just like everyone else. When it doesn't happen, I turn to others to validate my feelings, thus bringing me closer to them and farther away from the person I was trying to talk to. Hmm. I have had that feeling a lot in the past and I am finally able to put it into words!