Sunday, August 31, 2008


I spent the weekend at home. To celebrate the labor day holiday, I decided to be fairly ambitious and clean out my closet, which mainly held a ton of old clothes, and a bookcase, which held a bunch of stuff from high school I haven't looked at in 4 years. Treasures included my Junior and Senior yearbooks, some Earth Science notes from Freshman year at USD, and a hilarious graduation card that Mindy made me. I also found the copies of the websites that I made in BPA (Business Professionals of America) with a few friends; Junior year we made a how-to guide to learning bass guitar (which is hilarious because I'm probably going to learn to play one this year); Senior year we made a guide to preparing for the future- choosing a career, interviewing tips, and resume do's and don'ts. Hilarious!!! It's so funny to me that two huge interests of mine in high school still matter to me, in different ways: serving as a worship leader, and (hopefully) working in HR.