Monday, February 22, 2010

beauty in simplicity


If you believe the beauty is there, you will find it. What I love about photography is that it gives me the chance to remember an event or an experience, a moment or a mood. It also gives me the chance to see beauty in the simplest things.


newport (28)Photography takes faith. At least my photography does; I like to manipulate and edit photos, highlighting specific colors and lighting, making simple things stand out. I’m not skilled enough to know how to do that using cool effects on a high-tech camera. I hope to learn someday. I took this photo with a point-and-shoot digital camera in Newport, Rhode Island. Being in a new place caused me to really look at everything around me.


When we stop the busyness and retreat from the noise, we see that the simple can be beautiful. This little lesson I’ve learned in the last year or so has started to change the way I think about life, and about God. The simple things are so beautiful. A tree, a child’s laugh, a sunrise, a hug from a friend. It’s these small moments in life that are often so important to us. Like photography, sometimes we cannot see the beauty until we look back on it later.

God works in mighty, mighty ways. He’s the Sovereign King of Kings, orchestrating moments and movements all over the world. He also works in even the smallest details.

While big moments in my life have contributed to who I am today, it’s generally the small, day-to-day moments and opportunities that build my character. Here’s the same photo, after some editing.

Sometimes the small, simple things are the most important, and the most beautiful.


newport (28)

To see more of my photography, click here.