Thursday, July 15, 2010

Spiritual Jackpot

Last week, I ventured off the farm to do some work at a local coffee shop (I'm still amazed there's one within a 20 mile range of my house! (Only one, though!)). First, though, I decided to get some lunch. I grabbed a burger and fries at the McDonalds, and took it to a local park to enjoy the beautiful weather. I turned off my car and folded my hands to pray for my meal. As soon as I said the words, I was struck with how odd they sounded: Bless this food to my body. Really?

I seldom remember to pray for my food when I'm out and about, which is an issue for another day. But I found it so odd to pray for a greasy burger and salty fries to bless my body and bring glory to God. There were much healthier options available, I just didn't think twice about it, which is yet an issue for another day. (Guess I know what I'm blogging about down the road...)

How often do I pray for something, knowing God will bless it? The burger isn't a great example, but I think it leads to an interesting question- is it silly to ask God to bless something we know isn't good for us?

I feel like this question brings off the top of the can of worms. Why don't we ask God what He has already blessed, and just do that? Why do we do things we know aren't the best for us?

Then comes the musing: How do we know God's will? How might we know what actions or choices He's blessed?

I've had moments during raising support that I can only describe as hitting a spiritual jackpot: seeing God bless something I feel Him prompting me to do. Whether it's taking a small step of faith or a huge one, seeing immediate rewards is not something we always get the privilege of doing. But I do, I get such a great feeling- that I'm being obedient to God and trusting Him to work things out -- whether I get to see rewards immediately, or be blessed at all in the decision.

Maybe I should pray for God to bless my greasy burger because it is what is is: greasy, and unhealthy, and it would be nice for Him to make it into good. Seems silly. Maybe God doesn't care about a measly little burger I ate at one meal. Maybe He does? A thousand small choices add up to mammoth consequences. A thousand burgers and fries over the course of 20 years (which is only a burger a week!) might lead to a deadly heart attack.

There's probably a lot of theological issues in this post, but it's just some general thoughts I have had lately about being obedient to God when we hear His voice.

Maybe we don't need to know what God's will is in the every day situations to hit the spiritual jackpot. His Word is clear what is beneficial and what is not. Perhaps I should not concern myself with figuring out what He'd bless in daily life, but fixing my eyes on Him.

"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
{Philippians 4:8}


Too many anonymouses said...

Ah, the dot sermon! Like the hamburger story...that's deep.