Saturday, August 21, 2010

Judging a Church By It's Website.

I'm attempting to pick a church to visit tomorrow.


I shall not call the process church "shopping" because I'm not doing it to see where I can get the best deal. What's a better word...hunting? I'm church hunting, I suppose.

On to the options. The first choice is only a 1/2 mile down the road- big plus, but their only service is labeled "traditional" at 930am. And it's E-Free, so I don't really know what traditional means.

The second option is labeled a "Worship Center" and at first I thought it was a Jewish Temple. They seem very passionate and Spirit-filled, which are two good things, I gotta say.

The third option has a Pastor that has written several books on the Emergent Church. I also see guitars in the background of some of the preaching photos, and I saw the word "hermeneutics" on one of the slides. Both good signs.

Maybe I'll just do eenie-meenie-miney-moe.


Ll said...

You really need to learn what different denominations are about.

Unknown said...

i do...there are some sketchy ones up here, for sure.