Wednesday, October 10, 2012

East Asia Update.

      “We’ve been praying for you. Will you help us reach our campus?”

These are sweet words for any Cru staff member to hear, but when your goal is to reach 600,000 students on 67 campuses, it's got to be mind-blowing.

This is the goal of our partnership team in East Asia (the team I worked with this summer when I went there on project). God has given this team a great vision, to reach each one of the campuses in their area of the city - 67, to be exact. This equates to more than a half million college students to reach.

This team of 12 (9 Americans and 3 French) has been seeking to gain access to new campuses this fall. In a few weeks, 16 businessmen and women will travel to this city on a vision trip, to help this team develop more connections on more campuses. The
in-country team is working hard to set up appointments in classrooms, where these men and women will present on business topics.

Throughout the team has been met with both opposition and invitation. Several campuses have denied the team entry onto campus (in this country, universities have only a few gated entrances, and are guarded by officials who may or may not allow foreigners in to the campus).

One day, a student came up to the team leader, Ben, and upon finding out he was a Christian, the student asked if Ben could help him reach his campus with the Gospel. One team member, Matt, was not allowed entrance into a university. So, he decided just to wait outside the gate and meet Asian students as they were walking in and out of the entrance.

Despite human opposition, God is using the faithfulness of the staff here to launch and grow spiritual movements all over the city. Pray that God would reward their steadfast faith and boldness in reaching Asians with the Gospel