Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Wealth and Justice ... and religion?

During my wealth & justice class this morning, we had to write an answer to this question, then discuss it in groups: "How have your family/experiences/beliefs/etc shaped your view of economic justice?"

my group of 6 people talked about farming the whole time which was interesting to hear about. after all the groups spoke the prof then gave his answer to the question- he said he is a "Catholic, one that is relatively serious," {or he said something like that}, and proceeded to talk about how that affected his view of income distribution and stuff. I didn't really understand him [not a new feeling] but he didn't really make his point very clear. I never thought about my spiritual beliefs in terms of economics before ... but I the way he meant it, he wanted people to speak up about their different denominations. Probably good that no one did, as I think a HUGE debate would have occured. But this was all during the last 5 minutes of class so no one is willing to share their opinion then because we all want to LEAVE! ;)

He is an interesting prof to say the least. I wish I had something profound to talk about during class since we'll be graded partially on how much we speak up. My motto for this class: "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."