Saturday, September 30, 2006


I had to buy a business analyst calculator for my finance class...the prof said it would cost 29.99 at the MOST ... nope i paid a lovely 42 bucks for it- a little puny piece of plastic. We use it to calculate interest rates and payment periods and how much we'd need to save if we wanted to buy a 150,000 Ferrari when we turn 30. First of all, no one SAVES to buy a Ferrari. you just BUY it. and how many Ferrari's are there in the midwest? none. SOUTH DAKOTA? none. man I'm really on my soap box now. I think it's stupid- and I even like tedious math problems that involve money (ok, i love them). I could have put that 42 bucks in the bank for the two years I will be in college- at 3% interest that's $44.56 - $2.56 more than I have now. If I kept that in the bank until my 50th birthday, that's $101.95. All calculations were done on that way too expensive calculator. Ok so maybe it is handy.