Thursday, October 05, 2006


jordan, jules, lys and i were all just sitting in the living room at the FH, and we were talking about how crappy we feel when we don't exceed at the things we need to/want to (eg: alyssa and grades, jules and art). i was then finally able to express in words what i have been feeling all thru college, but mainly this semester- i really don't know what that one thing is in my life that i will do anything to not suck at. you following me here? i don't know my passion in life (yet). right now, i guess you could say it's the movement @ USD, more specifically the CRU meeting on campus. i will work on that before any of my homework and on a friday afternoon i love nothing more than to organize things and make to do list and dream about what we could come up with in the future. that's all fine and good for now, but what about the future? i will end this abrubtly because i'm tired and don't want to think about it any more, because it depresses me.