Saturday, December 09, 2006


what's important in life? really? i am sitting here playing spider solitaire, ignore my org behavior book and feeling bad for amusing myself with a card game when i could be doing something more useful [like blogging i guess...ha! what irony]. i just think it's horrible that people can go their whole life and not know what is really important. they climb the corporate ladder and go home at night to their house in the 'burbs w/a spouse and 2.3 kids. and that's cool, more power to em for being success, acheiving their goals, etc. but material things don't matter. even i put so much faith in and receive worth from my posessions. i know what is important in life- i am so thankful for having found the thing for which i will live my life and give everything back to, as He gave it all for me. i think a change in perspective could be awesome for me, tho. i sorely need to be hit with eternal perspective. yay tcx. 18 days.