Saturday, December 09, 2006


it happened. even after my careful planning of the rest of my life [ok, the next two years] I find myself wanting to do the unthinkable: change my major. technically, this is what I am: Business Admin degree with a Management Major and Human Resource Specialization + a degree in Contemporary Media & Journalism with an emphasis in Print Journalism. YUCK. If I could start over, I think I'd switch to a Finance + English major. The business part...I can do numbers, but I cannot figure out people. what was I thinking with an HR Management major? Ugh. And Journalism...well, I don't see myself writing for a newspaper in college- OR EVER. Maybe a magazine. But (I think) I would love to get into publishing, for which an English major would be sweet. I mean, a journalism degree will probably be 'good enough' but English would be the practical thing I suppose.

Oh who am I kidding? Why change majors now? It's not like switching will magically solve all my problems. And THEN there's Campus Crusade. I could just forget this college junk and work for them. Sweetness. Except I need a 4yr degree. Ok. I guess college will have to do no matter what the major.