Sunday, June 24, 2007

a day around town

Yesterday was pretty great. Megan and I had lunch and a good talk about brasil, leaving here, and the rest of our lives. You know, unimportant stuff. :] After lunch Gustavo and Ian picked up Andy, Trevor and I with the promise of taking us to some sweet souvenior shopping spots. After a 20 minute car ride, we ended up down the street from our hotel! I got some jewelry and the guys got some havienas and t-shirts. Then they took us to a hotel about 1/2 hour away - finally found some green havianas. For supper we went to a sweet Mexican pub down the street from our hotel. It was kind of expensive, but so nice to go somewhere that didn't serve fries, rice and beans (just refried).

This is our last week at USP. We're leaving Sunday at 9am for Rio de Janiero where we will spend a few days relaxing and sight-seeing. We fly out of Rio on July 4th at 11pm and will get back to MN at 1130 am on the 5th. The first thing I am going to do when I get home is have a glass of milk and take my car for a drive.