Sunday, April 19, 2009


Ever since I was little, for some reason, I've loved money. I counted it, saved it, spent it, counted it, hid it, searched for it in couch cushions weekly, counted it (do you sense a theme here...) yeah, I just loved it in many ways. I've got a coin collection collecting cobwebs back home, and I loved getting my first checkbook and making deposits. I even loved balancing it (still do...)! Actually, maybe I love numbers more than money...I digress.

I don't really have this feeling anymore, probably due to my entrance into the real world. Wasn't quite ready for the bills that come rolling in! And I don't think if I had more money I'd be happier. Not at all. I thought that for most of my life. I don't know why people think that- they worry about money, but if they had more they'd still worry about somethin else. And, it's funny how money ruins things. People go crazy over not having what they want. So many people are worried about the economy. Why do they think money will satisfy their desires?

I watched into the wild a few nights ago, and this just fueled my thoughts on the matter. The kid leaves society and lives life on his own, independent and free. I admire him for that, but what kind of life is that? He's alone. He dies alone.

For most of my life, I've loved money more than people. I didn't realize how much more fulfilling it is to have meaningful relationships in life, to have people to walk through life with, than to have enough money. I'd rather have deep relationships than deep pockets.