Wednesday, July 01, 2009


There aren't many streets in Verm that I haven't driven down, and there are many I drive down a lot. I have probably driven one particular street in Verm about 20-30 times in the last 4 years. On one side of the street there was a house I always notice- kind of small, a bit run down, lots of junk/toys in the yard along with several cars in the driveway. For some reason, the house/yard interests me, and, for some reason, I would always stare at it (impolite, I know).

A few nights ago I was on said street. I happened to be running (definitely slower than I would drive) so I had some extra time to notice my surroundings. This time, I forced to look at anything other than said house. I noticed the lovely trees lining the streets, the way the curb is uneven and slantly, and the beautiful little home across the street.

How often in my life do I continually focus on the ugly, or the wrong, or even the 'bad,' instead of looking at the good?

One of my favorite words this year is perspective. Almost weekly, it seems, I am reminded about the way I look at the world around me. I'm always brought back to the wrong way I view situations, the beauty I miss out on, etc. But when I find a rare moment where I have a unique perspective on something, and can share that with someone, my search for a new view has renewed motivation.

Check out what is unseen in your world; it may surprise you!