Friday, July 24, 2009

thoughts on CSU.

Every other summer, thousands of people gather in Ft. Collins, CO at the CSU campus for the US National Staff Conference. It's nine crazy days of seminars, sessions, speakers, socializing and many more s words. I figured the conference would be about 3 times the size of our Upper Midwest Region winter conference (TCX). I've always been amazed at the scope of TCX and admired the plans and skill it takes to put on the winter conference - but CSU has blown that out of the water.

Since it was my first time in attendance, I had only a few expectations for the conference. The first was the size- of the conference, yes, but moreso, the scope of Campus Crusade for Christ as an organization. At the opening session I sat next to a Japanese couple who have been on staff for 22 years and work in Orlando at the international HQ. Late last night two Taiwanese gentlemen walked my roommate and I back to our dorm. Around every corner of this campus there is another staff person, with their own story of faith in Christ, calling to the ministry, and heart for reaching people. While Dr. Bright's original vision was changing the world through reaching the college campus, the 58 year-old ministry has spread to college faculty, high school students, the military, the marketplace, and to some of the most remote parts of the world through the Jesus Film.

Another expectation was that I would hear from the Lord. Although these conferences are always super, super busy, I love the quiet moments in the midst of a crowd of thousands in worship, or an unexpected prayer on my heart. I've made time to journal a few times since being here and have enjoyed those moments with God.

There was one more expectation I had, that I didn't know how to express. At several points throughout my involvement in Crusade during my years at USD, I would find myself full of concern for the processes and methods of evangelism, event planning, and other operational tasks, instead of concern for the lost. And I was one of those not long ago! How quickly I forget where I came from. It was definitely a worry of mine in joining the organization full-time: that I would continue to get caught up in the strategies and lose sight of the goal. So, I was very interested to see what topics our speakers would present to our group. I've been very impressed with the focus of our time. Of course we learn about other ministries on campuses and around the world; of course we hear from our President, Stevie D, and the VP of the America's and the U.S. Campus Ministry Director. But the issue on everyone's heart is how do we best represent Jesus to others? How are we doing at living our lives to give Him the glory, and not our ministry? We are most effective when we are walking closely with the Lord, and I can already see how much the ministry values it for each staff member. I think the group's emphasis on a growing and deepening relationship with Christ is why we are where we are today as an organization: one of the largest Christian ministries in the world with over 20,000 staff members worldwide. And it all started with a vision from the Lord and the promise to fulfill it by one faithful man and his willing wife.