Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the desk.

I am typing this from my old laptop, which is sitting on allison's desk in the office of our little white house. I thought, now that people have stopped living with us over the summer, maybe I could use the office/guest bedroom as an office. But I gave away my old hand-me-down desk. Allison is allowing me to use hers. She is very nice. So is the desk.

The desk is a key piece of furniture in my eyes. I need a place to focus, peace and prayer- there will be many, many prayers said aloud, and in silent, at this desk. Depends on the day. Depends on the hour of the day, really. Or even the minute. Raising support is such a rollercoaster somedays. Most days. Speaking of frustrations, no word on when the new laptop will be fixed. Hoping soon. And hoping free.

Hm. Well, for now, back to singing along to a burned cd whirring in the background, and back to work. It's a nice desk, and I think it will serve me well while I am here.