Friday, November 12, 2010

Is it worth it?

As a student, typically Campus Crusade-sponsored conferences are pretty amazing. They are generally always done well, feature wonderful, relevant, challenging speakers, passionate worship and sweet fellowship with friends.

I had no idea said conferences would get better as a staff member.

You invest so much time in preparation. The chances that you will get frustrated, at some point, are very, very good. Chances are, this frustration will drive you to tears.

You pray that things will go smoothly. Even though you have a suspicion they won't (which is good, because then you can try to plan accordingly). You pray that a certain number of students catch the vision and register for the event. Sometimes you just end up praying that some number of students show up.

You pray for God to show up.

You may doubt He will, but He always does. Always. I'm continually surprised how He does - I don't know why - I shouldn't be!

You just want God to be glorified - in and through staff, but more important, in and through the students. It's all about God, but it's about them, too.

All the time spent planning, preparing, organizing and praying for things can leave you unsure about the end result.

Here's the thing (thanks Allison!): everything is worth it, so incredibly worth it, when you see students pouring their hearts out to the Lord. It's so incredibly worth the stress when you see God become more real to a student- to many students. You see them take steps of faith for the first time, you see them understand concepts they've never considered before, you see them grow closer to each other and closer to God.

I am blessed and privileged to be a part of bringing someone farther along on their spiritual journey, closer to the living, active, loving God.

All the frustration, confusion, planning, crying, frustration, phone calls, e-mails, voice-mails, frustration and stress and frustration are worth it. I hope you see through my words, at least in part, the excitement I have right now for what God is choosing to do in and through the college students of today!!


Anonymous said...

As a go-er to other conferences, they are definitely worth the planning. God does show up and even though they are "mountain-top experiences", the messages and realizations stick and come up later in life as alters or times God was speaking.

Anonymous said...

oops...altars. :)