Wednesday, November 03, 2010

November Newsletter

By now, you’ve heard about the rescue of 33 miners, trapped in the San José copper-gold mine in Chile. The story captured the attention of people all over the world. One miner, José Henriquez, recently told his story to Christian Maureira, director for Campus Crusade for Christ in Chile. His account of the situation fills in the gaps that news stations often leave out – and shows one way God is using CCC around the world.

On day 16, the trapped miners still had no contact with anyone on the surface. The little food they had was rationed to each person.

But on day 16, the food ran out.

José remembered the story of how Jesus multiplied the bread and the fish, and led the men in a prayer, asking for the box to be full of food by the next day. They prayed for an abundance of food.

The next day, contact was made with rescuers on the surface. “José got choked up by remembering that the next day the probe made contact with them,” says Christian, recalling his conversation with José. “The multiplication was real. They saw how the box was filling up with food exceedingly. It was a miracle, a glorious moment.”

After contact was made with the miners, Christian started contacting public officials to see if he could send the miners a copy of the Jesus Film, a movie detailing the life of Jesus based on the Gospel of Luke.

Through a connection with family of José, Christian was able to send mp3 audio versions of the Jesus Film, and the New Testament in Spanish, down to the miners. José sent a thank you letter up to Christian, which ended with Psalm 95:4 "'In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him.'" José asked Christian a few days later if he could get the miners special T-Shirts to wear.

As the miners emerged, each one wore his tan t-shirt, reading "thank you Lord" on the front- and the text from Psalm 95:4 on the back.

Ministry & Financial Update
The next few weeks will be very busy, as the Regional Office Operations Team will help execute 4 conferences for our campus staff, interns, and student leaders. I’ll be helping with technical tasks at our women’s conference on Nov 12-14 in Minneapolis. The theme is Transformed: Laboring for a Lifetime, and will give women an idea of what it looks like to be transformed by the Gospel, and how we as professionals, mothers, and missionaries can be a part of God’s transforming work around the world. There is also a men’s conference the same weekend, centering on similar issues (from a more manly perspective). Pray for safe travels, Spirit-filled speakers, and an atmosphere that will encourage and challenge students.

I am just 7% away from my goal! I’m grateful for your prayers – they have been a constant encouragement to me on this up-and-down journey. God continues to show His Goodness to me in many ways – and each of you is one of those ways. If you'd like to make a contribution to my ministry, click here.