Saturday, February 19, 2011

3 months until Summer Project!

Despite long-lasting feelings that winter is never going to end, summer is just 3 months away. So far, there are 85 college students accepted to participate in our six international summer projects in the Upper Midwest!

It's been so exciting to watch the numbers increase each week, knowing that these aren't just numbers. These are 85 lives that have been changed by God. Lives that want to be used by God to change other lives.

Let me throw another number at you: 132. This is the number of students accepted for the six U.S. summer projects that our region leads each year.

Would you say a prayer right now for these 217 students? Now that they finished the application process, the next part of their journey is raising their financial support. Pray that they'd be bold in stepping out in faith to trust God to provide. For many students, this is their first time inviting others to partner with them in reaching college students with the Gospel. Pray that God would use this experience to stretch and grow their dependence on Him.