Saturday, July 09, 2011


If by chance you're checking in to see if I've blogged lately about the summer projects returning... I haven't! Sorry. Well, I guess this one technically is about them, because I just wanted to leave a quick note that I am so amazed at the things God's done this summer through our six international projects. I was reading some of the project director prayer letters the other day and got the more extreme case of goosebumps I've had ever! Pretty soon tears were streaming down my face after taking in all that they shared through a simple newsletter.

The Gospel going out into the world to people who are destined for death without it is one of the most important things in my life. The redemption that is possible through Jesus is the best news ever, and I never want to lose sight of that.

It's ridiculous how often I lose sight of this mission. Even in the midst of my role in ministry this summer with our projects, I lost sight of the purpose: bringing glory to God through sharing the life-changing Gospel with others.

More on this later, because this is supposed to just be a quick note. Stay tuned for stories from all around the world ... can't wait to share them!