Sunday, December 18, 2011

The longing of Advent

I love this time of year. I love cold winter weather, holiday parties, snow, time away from work, time with family, the hopes of am NFL playoff berth (though not this year), presents, singing Christmas carols, my mom's homemade toffee & russian tea cakes ... I could go on and on and on.

When I think of December, I think of all those things. But what I love more than all those things combined is the concept of a season of Advent. This word Advent comes from the latin word adventus, meaning "coming." It describes the waiting and expectation of the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

One of the least appreciated things in our culture today is waiting. We don't have any patience. Whether its the drive-thru, an elevator, a stop light - it's hard to wait. Some long for other things - a child, a spouse, a job - and find that patience is wearing thin.

This Advent, my church has been doing an sermon series called Yearning. God's been using this series in my life in several ways - to call me out on my longings, and to remind me that nothing can fulfill like Christ.

I don't have to live in misery with my sin. Transformation is possible through Christ. This is such good news! Yet, I'm still left longing. While I can know Christ on this earth, and experience the presence of God in my life, I won't be able to find full satisfaction to the depths that I desire on this side of heaven. I am finding an unexpected peace this Advent, in knowing that I will probably always be longing something more on this earth - but this longing will be fulfilled, and this transformation I desire will be complete the day I see Jesus face to face.

<< And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. >> philippians 1.6