Saturday, July 21, 2012

Code Words.

One of my childhood dreams was to be in the CIA or FBI. The allure of living a double life was so intriguing and exciting to me. Walking around town like a normal person, yet having this secret identity, and this super significant mission that no one new about (and I couldn't tell them or I'd have know).

I feel like I got a glimpse into that this summer. Not necessarily from the secret mission part, but from the code words we used. In an effect to draw the least amount of attention to us as possible, we'd use code words out in public (and usually in private, too). We even had a code word for when someone didn't use the appropriate code word:  mango.

Here's a brief paragraph, something that I'd probably say when telling a teammate about my day:

Today I disked at Dragon with Abby. We talked about how the book explains the HS and why it's important when we're doing EV, and just living a cool life in general. Dad's been teaching her about that lately and I've been rapping about it, so it was fun to talk about it. Over lunch we met with this girl Caroline, who has an American professor that's been taking her to building, which is awesome. We had an sp convo with her but haven't shared the 4 boys yet - maybe we can during our next go time. I'm excited for Iron Man on Saturday so we can learn how to do 7 ups - I know the gathering at Star Wars has been sharing the G and has had people PRC so now they can learn how to do 7 ups.

I think that's the bulk of our code words! Most of them make sense when used in a sentence but at least right away we had to really think about what we were going to say before we said it.