Monday, March 25, 2013

Today I went to a funeral of a friend of mine. He was 27. He died suddenly, with no warning, one week ago today. It was a total shock.

As I think about his life and reflect on some fun memories, it's hard not to ask why. I know that's usually the first question many people ask when a loved one dies or something bad happens. In this case, the why seems a little more legitimate. Dave was a faithful servant, who was passionate about sharing the hope of Jesus with other people. He was so young with so much life ahead to live. We know of no cause of death at this time- no preventable accident or disease. There's no one to blame, no reasonable cause. He just died.

The last blog post Dave wrote was entitled "Oh Death, Where is Your Sting?"

He wrote, "Because of the Spirit, and my faith in God's sovereignty, I trust that He knows what He's doing... Although death is often a harrowing time in the life of many, my prayer is that Christ is displayed as the Victor over it in our lives and in the lives of others as we love them."

I know I can question God all I want, but he doesn't have to give me an answer. In the midst of the questioning, I trust Him. He's Sovereign. He knows what He's doing.

Dave's life was short in our earthly standards- but it was so full; of love, faith, challenges, victories, and fun. His 27 years here were a gift, and I'm so thankful for them. He loved well, he lived well and he honored God above all else. May I live the same way the rest of my days, however many there are.

"This life is not my own, this world is not my home, the gospel must be known."