Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A and B

[disclaimer: this is a REALLY random thought that I am just beginning to formulate in my mind, so I'm sure once I read it I will probably think "HUH!?" or change my mind, so just keep that in mind, haha.]

I want to believe in the romantic idea that there is one perfect person out there for everyone, but I just don't think it's true for everyone- in some cases people stay single their whole lives, and in others people are happily married to several people [ different times...but not after the example I'm thinking of is Elisabeth Elliot]. Once, I heard a wise person say that God's will might not be as direct and to the point as we might sometimes think- like there could be several majors one could pick in college, each resulting in different careers, but no matter what is chosen they are all God's will [i have now entered the point of no return, so i really hope that I understood this person correctly! lol]. so, there could be several people that one could marry and all would be an ok choice. question- man A could basically marry woman A or woman B. He decides to be adventurous and pick B, which means he doesn't pick A. what if man A was the only one that woman A would ever marry and man A went and picked woman B,leaving A single the rest of her life, when possibly woman B could have married man B?

I just re-read all that. wow. now i have proof i'm crazy! :P but i'll leave this post up here [why not?] in hopes of spurring some awesomely random comments from one or all three of the people that read this. [that would be mike, alyssa and kristine]