Sunday, April 16, 2006


Got up @ 530 this morning for another wonderful sunrise Eater service at my little white church in the country. A few times I have teared up during church there, but today I did about three different times. The first was because we were late, like getting out of the car as the bells rang because no one woke Joel up [hello, he's almost 15 and knows how to set an alarm. mom went to church early to help get breakfast stuff going so of course we weren't completely put together since mom's the glue that holds the fam together] and I was crabby and so was everyone else and it was just bad. So the service starts and pretty soon I tear up again - plus we were sitting in the front row [lateness] but it wasn't real obvious - anyway, we were singing a semi-familiar hymn, but the congregation just wasn't catching on. All the women were in the kitchen downstairs cooking eggs and all the men and children were upstairs muddling through this song, plus the pews were also full of people that only come to church on Christmas and Easter so they had no idea what was going on, either. I am not real sure why this made me tear up but i thought about it and it did. Oh, I remember why- no one was enthusiastic at all. Yeah. Seriously, I was bored TO TEARS during the sermon. i was so frustrated that no one was EXCITED!! I mean, it's EASTER! come on! Like the most important day in history!! our SAVIOR rose from the dead. get excited people! argh. anyway, the third time i teared up [seriously] was during the offering when my mom and a few other ladies sang a song for special music. after almost crying twice i REALLY had to hold it in this time. Here are these wonderful women, spending all their time during the service flipping pancakes, only to take a break when they come up to sing w/ the choir [which is about half the church aka 15 pple] before the service and during offering. They were singing this song..."I didn't get anything I asked for but everything I hoped for" ... and some other lyrics that i can't remember now but made me cry. Wow I just wrote a whole huge paragraph about crying! ugh. yay for being a woman. anyway, I just wanted to kind of vent about church. there's talk of closing the doors, and I honestly don't think it's a bad idea. I don't want it to, but we are using money donated for new doors, fans and lights to pay the bills. Anyway, I am done venting now! thanks for reading [if you still are]!