Friday, March 23, 2007

yard stick.

well it's been a crazy few weeks so far as project is concerned. i have met almost half the team going, which is pretty exciting. finances are crazy ... support raising is always interesting, but i finding that once again God is proving more faithful than i give him credit for, and has been using some interesting & surprising people to help me out. officially i am 13% there...over half way to the $1,000 mark which I should have by...oh, yeah, THIS Saturday...haha. probably not going to make it, but that's fine. i haven't gotten my passport yet, but i'm not really worried because i'm pretty positive i won't be getting it before the kickoff weekend in april. and even tho i started a new job i am finding that i can't work much. rent's due, and i have some debts that need to be paid this whole money thing should be interesting. time to drop a notch lower on the 'living below my means' yard stick. it's been a very hard lesson for me to learn, and one which God is still teaching me, and probably forever will be.