Tuesday, May 15, 2007

one week...

In one week I will be on a plane from atlanta to sao paulo to spend 7 weeks in brasil. woohoo! I have a lot to do before then but I have the rest of this week to do it, which I will need. I am about 1,000 short on support right now, but considering I have received over 1,000 in the last week, I am a happy camper. this semester and past few weeks have been challenging spiritually, academically, mentally and even socially at times, but I am really looking forward to this awesome chance to grow immensely and be even more challenged this summer. Even leaving Vermillion is a challenge for me - obviously leaving a place I know and am comfortable, but more so my friends, who have become family to me. Things are going to be different when I get back, and I'm not necessarily looking forward to that but that's life I guess.

On a sidenote, I can't believe I am a senior in college. about time! :] This year is going to be really, really tough seeing some of my best friends graduate and move on, but I have decided to be excited for this coming year and not let inevitable change ruin all the fun times. I will look for the good in things - the crazy adventure that life will become after graduation - who knows what will happen!