Friday, June 20, 2008

Cure for the Common Life [1]

The other day in the bargain books section of Wal-mart I purchased "Cure for the Common Life" by Max Lucado (only 4 bucks). I love to read, but most of what I do take in escapes me quite quickly. So, possibly blogging about the book will help my memory. Or not. Here goes!

The basic premise of the book is this:

"Use your uniqueness
to make a big deal out of God
every day of your life."

The 'cure' for the common life is found at the intersection of three circles, like a Venn Diagram:
1-my everyday life
2-God's glory
3-my strengths

A combination of these elements, is your own personal sweet spot. Lucado uses a lot of analogies and examples in the first few chapters about this, which I appreciate as a golfer and tennis player.

So. This book is broken into sections. On with it:

to make a big deal out of God
every day of your life

Unpack your bag of tricks and skills, which God prepackaged in you to glorify Him. Lucado includes several statistics about the number of Americans unhappy with their work, employers, and lives. From an HR perspective, yikes! You cannot be anything you want to be. but you can be everything God wants you to be.

Read your life backward. God is working in you to help you want to do what pleases Him and to be able to do what pleases Him. Our past presents our future. if you want direction for your future, read your life backward. What do you love to do when you don't have to do anything? Is there a common theme or thread running through activities you love to do? God's design of you defines your destiny. "You didn't exit the womb with your intended career tattooed on you" (so what does this big 'HR' tattoo on my leg mean?? :) You are the only you God made. If you aren't you, we don't get you. the world misses out.

Study your STORY
  • Strengths
    What do you do well? what are your 'verbs' in a sense?
  • Topic
    What so you enjoy working with? what is/are your noun(s)
  • Optimal conditions
    What motivates you? in what environment do you thrive?
  • Relationships
    How do you relate to people?
    Do you work best alone, in a team, or leading the group?
  • Yes!
    When do you have that feeling? 'i was MADE to do this!'
    *God never called you to be anyone other than you

Don't 'consult' your greed. Success is defined by doing the most what you do the best - not by how many cars or houses you own. Do I have the mentality that I am rich enough? Greed can seduce you out of your sweet spot (ohhhh so true). In a desire to be great, one might cease being any good. Follow david's example: just because the king gives you armour doesn't mean you have to wear it. What fits others might not fit you. Know your capabilities & strengths; examine your gifts. Stick to your STORY.