Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well I haven't blogged much at all lately. Life is crazy busy and crazy good. In the past month, I had two roommates graduate, one get married, one get engaged. YIKES! And we all moved out of the Farm House. Life looks different now than it did even a month ago, but yet in so many ways it is still the same.

I'm sick of wanting things I don't have and tired of never having enough to make me happy. I can't get my happiness from material things, a great house, money, etc etc etc (boy how many times do I need to learn that lesson). I don't have much but I have what I need. I'm happy where I am at because it's where God wants me to be. I'm content.

It's been a hard transition to this point. Probably because I don't have much to transition to. I feel a bit lost in the shuffle- I didn't graduate, I have a job and I don't have a boyfriend to plan a future with. So in the midst of working and waiting to graduate, I will enjoy another summer, and look forward to my final semester of class. My worries are few and my future is wide open. And I'm content flying solo. I'm not going to sit around waiting for life to happen, to drop by on my doorstep. It probably would get lost trying to find my new apartment. :)