Tuesday, September 20, 2005

ignorance & knowledge

I don't know as much as I should.

When I began the L-O-N-G journey of finding out who God really is and why Jesus seemed to be so important to everyone, I knew nothing. I thought I was such a hotshot in high school- but college immediately humbled me. Even in my faith in high school I thought I was all 'high and mighty...' until I realized I didn't know jack about Jesus. Talk about ignorance.

Every once in awhile I slip into the habit of thinking I am that ignorant again. I am so thankful that God has met me where I am and has opened my eyes to the Truth. When I think back on the past few years and even just the past year at USD, I have grown imMENSEly. But here comes that thought again that I really don't know that much about Jesus and the Bible. I really felt that attending Hillside's rockin' summer Bible Study- but once I got over it and dug into God's Word my eyes were opened even more. I have learned so much from those long Bible studies. But I can never know everything. There will always be a new topic to learn about, a new Bible verse or story or person that I know very little about.

And that's ok.

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." -John 21:25