Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I have a 3-5 page research paper due in a few weeks for my wealth and justice [IDEA foundation] class. Today we went to the library to research and finalize our topics. I had a hard time deciding on one- my prof told us to pick something we are interested in, but in that class it's hard to get excited about anything. A few days ago i was searching for something on the internet and I stumbled upon Social Choice Theory, which led me to Public Choice Theory, both of which I knew nothing about. I read up on it a bit and started reseaching PCT today in class. It started to slightly interest me, so I asked my prof about it. He exclaimed, "Wow! You must be an econ major to tackle that topic!!" I think this is the most hilarious statement I have heard from a professor this semester. AN ECON MAJOR!? Yah right. I would rather major in Biology than economics [and I dislike bio very much]. Anyway, we talked about it for like 10 minutes in class- I was surprised at his careful consideration of the topic. It's a tough one and would require a lot of research and reading, and even then it would be a hard paper to write. He also said he didn't want to totally discourage it if he thought I could handle it, because he's told people the same thing every year and they pull it off. So we researched some authors I could check out to get a better picture of the topic. I eventually settled on voting/elections and class structure, etc. During a silent spell my prof asked me what my major was, so I told him. [darn. now he knows I'm a journalism major. he will surely expect a wonderful paper from me.] He said it's important for writers to know something about economics. He also said he's convinced I'll become an econ major before the end of the year. ha! maybe when the vikings win the superbowl.